Voices of the Next Generations

Next generations of former prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp tell their stories


Why we are still here

In order to examine, who we – the next generations – are and what we do, it is necessary to briefly explain what led us to our commitment and how we would like to pass this on in the future.

Ukraine’s sacrifice must not be in vain

While the world is staring at Ukraine with horror and despair, we, descendants of concentration camp prisoners, both survivors and deceased, feel the urge to express our abhorrence of war and all other
infringements on human rights across the world.

Erinnerungen an Edouard Calic

Mein Großvater sprach mehrere Sprachen fließend und hatte eine gestochen scharfe Handschrift, weshalb er zeitweise für die Registrierung neu angekommener Häftlinge eingesetzt wurde…

To Bring Back the Trauma

Anouk Focquier, granddaughter of Belgian resistance fighters who were captured, torured and killed in Nazi concentration camps, talks about bringing brack the family trauma

Jan Lemaire: Men in Zebra

From early 1942 until 1945 our grandfather Jan Lemaire was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen. When we were 15, our grandmother gave us his book…