Voices of the Next Generations

Next generations of former prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp tell their stories


Relatives and descendants of Sachenhausen concentration camp survivors or victims are invited to take part in our project. The Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum invites descendants of former prisoners of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to contribute their individual experiences, perspectives, political positions, art or reflections.

If you would like to get involved with meetings, visit the memorial, or share your perspective please send us an email. Your voice as anecdotes, histories, artwork, music, film, or any other medium are welcome. What is your story?


nextgeneration (@) gedenkstaette-sachsenhausen.de

Collage of Photots from left to right: A participant of the symposium reads a book at the Sachsenhausen Memorial Library. The particiapants of the 3rd and 4th Generation Symposium sitting in a circle. The Family Lemaire, participants, reading from a book.
Photo: Ruthe Zuntz